Nov 02, 2006 03:58
Ok! I'm re-doing a survey for the heck of it....I was reading old entries and I really liked this one so I decided to redo it, it's all most a year later cause this was done sometime real near christmas.
1. male friend: Hmm, Thats tough, normaly I would Say Robyn but now its hard to tell, I'll just stick with my darling Brother
2. female friend: OoO, I'd have to say my sissy's.
3. vacation: The one to tennesse!
4. age: 8
5. memory: Hard to say.
1. Hair style: for me? Bangs, or my really short hair
2. Day of the week: Monday
3. Fear: Being stabbed to death
4. Memory: The time my dad blew up and was yelling at all of us....Etc. etc.
5. Boyfriend or girlfriend: Don't have one
1. Person you talked on the phone with: Katie
2. Kissed: Prolly.....Kate P. (On the cheak)
3. Hugged: Bonnie
4. Email: Uhh, Jonah 33?
5: IM: To? Beau, From? Beau.
1. serious bf or gf? Don't have one!
2. Car: Don't have one
3. First school: Home
4. Job: Chick-fil-A
1. What are you doing now: Filling...out...this...
2. Tonight: Finishing packing, then sweet sleep!
3. Wearing: Jeans, T-shirt, shoes
1. Is: AWSOME!
2. Got:Lots of travil
3. Goal: To get far!!!
5. Do you have work: Nope
1. Number: 8
2: Song: Man in Black, the one in treasur planet, I can't stop the rain
3. Color: Green
4. Season: Winter
5. State: Indiana
1. Rather be: Held
2. Have a crush: Can't figure that one out yet
3. Talking to any one:Nope
4. Mood: Ok-ish
Ok! re-done NOW!
1. male friend: Ok, so this one is still a mystery to me....
2. female friend: Still sisters, outside of family, Bonnie and Katie P.
3. vacation: The one to tennesse!
4. age: right now!
5. memory: hhmmmmm?
1. Hair style: Bangs
2. Day of the week: still Monday
3. Fear: Being stabbed to death
4. Memory: Tuesday the 24th 2006
5. Boyfriend or girlfriend: all of them!!
1. Person you talked on the phone with: Katie Pafford
2. Kissed: Umm....Grandma?
3. Hugged: Grandma
4. Email: LJ?
5: IM: None,texts were Emily.
1. serious bf or gf? Doughnut
2. Car: Hopefuly a green Dodge Dakota!
3. First school: Home
4. Job: Babysitting
1. What are you doing now: Filling...out...this...still!
2. Tonight: Get some tv and sleep.
3. Wearing: Cheshire Cat shirt, Levi Strauss Jeans.
1. Is: Thursday
2. Got: Dinner with family
3. Goal: Live?
5. Do you have work: Nope
1. Number: 5
2: Song: I love you
3. Color: Green
4. Season: Winter
5. State: Indiana
1. Rather be: Held
2. Have a crush: Well, I'll say this much, it ain't B3
3. Talking to any one: No
Ok, so I havn't changed much in a year accourding to this survey...