Aug 20, 2005 11:38
my trip to ecuador is officially ecuadorian. i had surgery in a third world country. when i went to the jungle, some type of bug, made its little way into my pinky toe and laid its eggs. without antisthetics they poked a needle in there, then cut it open with a razor and squeezed those damn little babies out. mind you, this process took a good HOUR. i think this may well have been one of the worst physical pains i have EVER felt in my life. fuck. i was saying fuck while digging my nails into my leg...and yes, i did NOT cry. word. haha.
so immidiately after this god awful pain, i went out and got myself fucking drunk.
i also thought...well, after this kind of pain, a piercing might just tickle. sooooo, i got one. i got the flap of skin under my lip pierced yesterday. i'm not sure what i think about it. i think i like it tho. and it definately did not all. awesome.
i'll be home soon.