Your Gender: female
Single?: mmhmm
Birthdate: 2.10.86
Your Age: 18
Age You Act: sometimes when i'm with certain friends cough6cough we act like we're 12 and i enjoy it very much..other times im forced to act more my age.. i like acting 12 haha
Age You Wish You Were: haha 21 so i could just go buy my own booze
Your Height: 5'8"
Eye Color: Blue
Happy With It?: uh..with my eye color? i guess..
Hair Color: light brown
Happy With It?: sure why not
Lefty/Righty/Ambidextrous: Righty
Living Arrangement: Dormin it up in the Brownstones WHAT WHAT?
Your Family: Maaaaaahm, Uncle Chuck, Gramps, Dad, Yergis, and me (sister drunky mc drunk=my bow fam. Melissa, madre, steph, padre &the chillens=my adopted fam. Mclane, deb, neil, skipper=well.. i practically live w/them now too haha. OOOOHH you mean my ACTUAL family well.. we'll just leave them out of this... cept the sibs LeeAnn, Chris, Shawn.
Have any pets?: Cat - Lacey and like 8 million dogs..i dont even know all their names
What's your job?: student/hostess/musician
Piercings?: ears/nose
Tattoos?: not yet. soon though
Obsessions?: music, hanson, my friends
Addictions?: uuuhmmm weeeeeelll... yeeeas
Do you speak another language?: a liddle espanol, like 3 words in german/french.. i'm learning arabic too!
Have a favorite quote?: "I get by with a little help from my friends" - John Lennon
Do you have a webpage?: &
Do you live in the moment?: i guess...
Do you have any secrets?: hmm..dont we all?
Do you hate yourself?: sometimes..not lately
Do you like your handwriting?: when i write like a lefty i do..nvm its hard to explain
Do you have any bad habits?: yet again..dont we all?
What is the compliment you get from most people?: "woah you have wicked cool eyes"
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaalll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII think i'm a cool guy a LIIIIIIDDDDDLLEEEEE"
What's your biggest fear?: falling, drowning, being homeless
Can you sing?: i think i have good voice on the other hand - eh.
What are your priorities in life?: woah whats with the contemplating life? i dunno i'm only 18!
Are you a daredevil?: when I ski I am :x i go too fast then i crash alot. calleh can vouch for that haha
Is there anything you fear about yourself?: that i'll loose the ones i love. i need them to survive.
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: i guess my greatest strenght is my independence. i hate saying no to people. i need to learn how to do that nicely
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: i fucking hope so w/all the shit i've been through in the past 2 years. holy shit! flasback.
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: i regret not telling people i love them more. other than that nope. oh just kidding i regret not putting more effort into things that really matter (school, college) yea i'm a slacker. i regret being a slacker.
well that was interesting.
i miss my friends. all of you.