haha i love texas

Mar 04, 2008 20:37

i am watching the texas primary results...it is amusing...they are like, leave it up to texas to do a "texas two-step" and decide to have a primary AND a caucus both on one night.  and they were making fun of a analyst who went to a&m by asking him where his texas shirt is tonight after he made a comment about it being texas's night...i really didn't think i cared this much about texas until i left the danged state and people have all these stereotypes and you have to defend yourself and you realize what a cool state texas is, and how lame other states are comparatively.

i am not quite sure who i would have voted for if i was voting today.  my gut says hillary, but i guess barack would be ok too...i am pretty sure i would have voted for hils, but i would be ok with barack winning i guess.  ugh.  i can't even write it...never mind i think hils needs to be the nominee.  there...that feels better and is more true.  they said all the white-collar middle class workers are the ones voting for hils, and the college-educated ppl vote for barack...i am not in the "elite" legions of democratic voters apparently...that is kind of offensive and funny.

john mccain is talking now...this chick that always stands next to him annoys me...go away!  i know she is some lobbyist or something, but she is always there and never says anything and isn't his wife. she is a robot or something.

btw, i heart cnn.  i remember in the summer of my sophomore year i think?  when i lived in the villas at blockbuster, and we didn't have tv, so the only time i watched tv was when i went to the gym (which was pretty much every day since i only worked part-time) and basically i would watch cnn and it was election year and they had the conventions on and stuff and i would stay there forever watching that crap b/c we didn't have tv back home.  i must have been in a lot better shape back then.  it was pretty good times.  anyway, now cnn has all these cool maps that take up the whole wall and they click on different areas of the map to see more details of the states and they draw random circles on areas for emphasis.  it's so kick-ass.

anyway, today i ate at this place here in grand rapids called noodles and co. it is kind of a weird concept...it's all noodles, but they have asian, american, and italian dishes.  i feel like stretching yourself over all those types sacrifices the quality of the dishes right?  i dunno..i got pad thai and it was pretty good...but i eat anything so i'm not sure if i'm a good judge sometimes.  and it just was cognitively dissonant in my head so i dunno.

i love the office.  best show ever.  
Karen: by the way, how are you going to moon us when you are driving?  
Michael: cruise control. 
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