Aug 13, 2003 16:36
The only crucial things missing in my master's thesis has been clarification from the creater of an assessment of how he came up with the reading passages and also a citation or two to back up a statement I made in the paper. To take care of these small, but crucial missing details, all that was required of me was to email two specific faculty members. But I delayed this for months without knowing why, except that I didn't feel like emailing them just yet, because doing so made me feel a general sense of nervousness. Yesterday a few friends helped me unlock this mystery. They helped me figure out why I let this hold me up for the last several months. My thesis could have been completed several months ago had I just addressed these small details. Instead I've been drifting in master's thesis purgatory the past few months, keeping busy with everything but my master's. Finally, yesterday a block was lifted, and now I can finally progress toward finishing this thesis up.