Jul 04, 2007 01:58
Alright, so some of you guys may remember me from a brief rant about the fetid, rotting vampires I incorporated into my setting and the Sue who befouled my anti-cliche. That whole situation is still resolving itself, but it's relevant so it bears mention.
Before I get too much into it though, I'd like to go ahead and give props to anyone on here who runs their own room/game/setting, etc. This is the first time I've attempted it, and I had NO idea how challenging dealing with people can be, especially a certain person whom I'm hosting the room with. Now that that's out of the way...
What is the deal with people seeing a setting detail, then thinking that if they do the opposite of the established detail in question, it becomes unique and admirable? To be more specific, this game also includes angels. I know, I tasted a little bit of bile when my hostess suggested it too. Just like with the vampires, I tried to break away from the cliche a bit, because if anything can top a vampire on the emometer, it's a fallen angel. Instead of being divine, immortal beings, angels (called Elohim in this setting) are mortal-bodied humanoids who live in the mountains and have wings on their backs. They live, breathe, produce children, grow old, and die, just as humans would. However, for a bit of the angelic touch, they are also naturally inclined towards divine and holy types of magic, and have a natural ability to heal others. They are very religious (though in this setting they are not associated with the Christian God most people readily associate angels with), and part of their culture is that they are racial purists. They get along very well with members of other races, but the practice of producing children with any but their own people is decried and considered extremely foul. It says so right there on their race template, which I assume people read before making a character of that particular race.
So, someone explain to me why the first two Elohim applied for (one by the hostess herself) are halfbreeds? This... does not gel. People, it's not too hard to read what I typed! It can't be that much harder to adhere to the standards I set! It would have been one thing if the room had thirty of these little winged beauties scooting around, and one happened to be a halfbreed. You know, the exception to the rule, when the rule is that they do not marry or have sex out of their race! Instead, every one of these angels apped so far has been a departure from the material I presented.
It's much harder to outright deny these applications, because it's not a direct violation of the source in question. A pretty, flowery vampire when the rest are corpses is, but it is not impossible for an Elohim to breed with a member of another race, just extremely unlikely.
I'm determined not to let these annoyances ruin a new game that has a good deal of potential, even if it means I have to be a bit more direct with people who deign fit to disregard setting details so eagerly.
As always, thanks for the sympathetic ear, BRPS.