chloe is love

Aug 08, 2008 14:10

i've had chloe for almost a year now, and i honestly can't imagine my life without her! as soon as she hears my keys outside the door, she dashes to the door and starts meowing from inside, then runs out into the hall when i open the door (at which point i have to pick her up and carry her in, lol). when i'm at home, she loves to follow me around and is almost always underfoot, leading to many accidental treading on tails and near-trips. when i call her name, she'll usually come running with a "mrrrow?" (but not always. she IS a cat after all), ready to play. she looooves to play! her favorite toy is a fishing pole type toy with feathers on the end that she leaps into the air to catch, but she also likes to chase furry toy mice and bat my plastic hair claws around. she immediately starts purring when i scratch her head and under her chin, and will even sit on my lap every once in a while, although she is not a lap cat. as such, she doesn't really like to be picked up, but i can't resist scooping her up and squeezing her at least once a day, amidst her squeals of protest. hehehe!

and now some recent pics so you can share in the cuteness that is chloe!

a blurry close up pic

sprawled out on my suitcase, her makeshift bed

this one cracks me up! LOL

kitty, chloe

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