So. Yesterday. Almost the BEST DAY EVER.
1) Not so great because I had to leave my mommy and my doggy. I love my mommy. I love my doggy. I love my mommy and my doggy. I do not like leaving my mommy and my doggy.
2) Went to see Unstoppable. Talk about a thrill ride. It's not really scary, but it keeps you at the edge of your seat nearly from the opening scenes. And it keeps you hooked until the end. They definitely took dramatic license with the story, but with the way it turned out, that was a good call.
3) Beat my dad at both Trivial Pursuit (helped only by my habit of taking my turn out of turn) AND Star Wars Monopoly (helped by the fact that I built towers at Jedi Council and Galactic Senate).
4) Got GLOMPED! This was one of the best parts of an already pretty awesome day. This tipped it from good to WTFWHYISTHISDAYSOBALLER?!
Here it is if you haven't read it. Seriously. Go read it. Harry in short shorts. Pantsless Harry in short shorts. Need I say more?
5) Did I mention I got glomped?
6) My last day at home. This is a plus and a minus. I love home, but I love my friends at school. And it's just three weeks until I'm home again
So, yes. A very good day. :)