Jan 24, 2006 20:20
One of my guiltiest pleasures is coming to town this weekend- Yellowcard at the TLA. i probably won't go. I'll probably do something rediculously dull like...drive around for hours or some crazy silly shit. I don't think ANYONE else i know likes them. ESP not alan, since he hates the free f*cking world. It's like my rush dilemma, why do i love such dorky ass bands? well if anyone wants to go and drive! lets go! ahh didn't think so.
My cultural anthropology teacher IS the big lebowski, any doubters, come to arcadia i will introduce. He's so awesome but he's very hippy laid back talks exactly like him, looks like him, freakin awesome. i love it. cultural anthropology is a really interesting class, i liked to travel i'd consider it, but not for long periods of times, no deal.
I'm also takin feminist theory. I THOUGHT I was a feminist, i was mis-lead. clearly i was just opinionated, cuz this class totally opened my eyes. I geuss that was the point, i was going for social awareness and got it...quickly. and all this time i didn't see it. it's really annoying actaully. How blind i can be. damnit.
ya ever forget what you wanted or were looking for in the first place? Like you know want something different, but don't want the change? i feel i go through phases where i'm absolutely miserable, then completely content, then fading back to miserable. although I'm in content mode now, i hate that i get that bad... I'm annoying.