Okay this is some bullshit.
My mother works for Walmart. Night shift right? Well, because of the Christmas season coming on fast, they have to restock the store. No problem right? WRONG.
So they had a meeting and told everyone that their lunches (which is an hour) is now 30 minutes. They have to work 11 hours straight (which is against the labor laws) and that if they call in sick that they were automatically fired.
Well, my mother isn't the skinny thing on the planet. She's a heavy gal and she can't stay on her feet for long periods of time. Well she can but when she gets off work, she it takes an hour to get to the car because they hurt so much.
Well, my mother has a flu. Yes. And when she gets sick, she gets really sick. So she's trying to sleep it off to get more energy. I've seen her twice today and she was running a high fever.
Am I just mad because it's my mother? Am I at fault here for blowing up about it? I think not.
Fuck you Walmart. Fuck. You.