Please Distract Me From Minute to Win It

Feb 16, 2011 21:44

I really can’t explain what it is about this show that makes me so mad.  Might be the host’s contrived hair.  Might be the over-the-top drama. Might be the token “accented” sidekick (in this case - the blueprint explainer). Don’t even make me think about the fact that the contestants spend loads of time at home practicing these games. If you do, I’m sorry. Really, I am.

For some reason, my husband and kids like this show.  So it is on.  I guess now is a good time for a blog post.

I’ve been lax with my posts lately.  I wonder, does anyone miss me when I’m not posting? Or do you only notice me when I do?  My guess is the latter.  I really love browsing through my friends’ posts on livejournal. I’m kinda obsessed with scrolling through my reader in blogger. Then there are a few I have added to my favorites.  Do I notice when one out of the dozens of blogs I follow skipped a day or two? Um…no.

However, I do enjoy a well thought out blog post. (Something you aren’t really getting from me tonight, btw.)  I love hearing about people’s writing processes or their thoughts on a book they’ve just finished reading. I love hearing how an innocent response from a child helped to resolve a problem in their chapter.  I love learning that there are other people out there in the world, who like me, attended a function for their ‘real’ job tonight and really tried to stay focused, but whose mind kept wondering to things like how I should work a quirk into my main character or I could add depth to my heroine with a touching story of ‘why’ and ‘what’ brought her where she is. Someone asked me if I wanted wine and I said, “No, but do you have a pen?”

Okay, I made the pen response up - just now.  But it was a great illustration of how scattered I’ve been lately and why I haven’t been able to post on a regular basis.

So the Minute To Win It Super Head to Head event continues after Ozzy figures out “What’s a Bieber?” and I will steal the remote and change the channel, or read, or {{gasp}} write. And you will go on with your blog browsing and tomorrow, will you notice if I don’t post?

life, your turn, writing

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