This week (through Sunday) I am participating in:
Monday we hit our keyboards running. There was a lot of getting acquainted with presenters, with formats and with each other. Yet by the end of the day I felt a bit dazed. Not as dazed as I’ve been in the past. I think I’ve learned a bit about pacing in regards to this huge conference! Today has been chats, workshops, homework and reading, reading, reading.
Such a great event. If you’ve never attended the Muse Online Conference, mark next year’s calendar for the event because it is such a fantastic forum of information, contacts and new friends. Now, I must find an ice pack for my head.
Muse Online Conference is recommended to writers of all ages and abilities but only those with a strong yearning to learn and network. Side effects of MOC may include headache, eyestrain and intense writerly dreams. Please seek professional help if dreams persist beyond one week.