Oct 13, 2005 20:45
...so are the days of our lives. Sorry. I wanted to make an update but so far nothing of substance of interest has happened this week. There's a rumor going around about Manny but I'm not involved, just trying to be a good friend. I know what it's like to be the butt of a joke and it's not fun. She doesn't deserve that. Anyway, how was everybody's day? Mine was alright. Went to school, came home, did homework. Is that thrilling or is that thrilling? Toby asked if I wanted to go to his house to hang out tonight, I said no. I had way to much homework and I don't want to be hanging around these people forever. What's wrong with me? Ever since my thing with Jay I've been bored. I want more, and I really didn't have time to just hang out. Maybe tomorrow.
I'll end this entry before the excitement makes all your heads explode. I'll talk to you guys later.