Jan 10, 2004 16:11
Well, I'm back at school, finally, and I would be thrilled about it except for the fact that I have a head cold and it's really sucking ass. Also, the internet here sucks, as it always has. On the plus side, though, a lot of people are back and there's talk of a century club occuring tonight at 10:00 at Rick's place. If I feel up to it I think I'm going to participate, then sleep in tomorrow until like three in the afternoon.
I already got my books, and I have about twenty, most of which I've never heard of. I don't think I'm looking forward to all the reading that I have this semester. Some of them will be pretty good, but Chaucer, just as I had anticipated, is in Middle English ::gulp::. Oh well, I'll deal...maybe I'll start reading it tomorrow when I have nothing to do. Ha, yeah right. I'm just going to hang out and do nothing all day tomorrow to get reacclimated to college life.
Break was good, but it's time to get back to how my life really is. Break is not a break from school. It's a break from life to get some more money and rekindle the dwindling connections of your previous life. Without breaks, I wouldn't survive. However, if it was only breaks, life would be completly static.
My cold is dying down somewhat, so I'm probably going to drink tonight. Century Club, here I come.