May 24, 2005 22:24
So this has been both a great day and an awful day all at once. See, all week I’ve been continuing to figure things out about myself and what I need to process for healing and after attending some track meets and just watching people around me, new things have hatched. I’m excited for the breakthroughs and talking to my counselor about them has been pretty cool considering I never have any clue what to talk about when I get to her office. So that was a great thing today. But then I also have had these awful AWFUL I mean AWWWWFUL stomach aches. I have had some weird pains here and there for a couple months but they really acted up on Friday night when I did inventory and drank like mass Pepsi and coffee. So I was basically in debilitating pain for the entire weekend. Then today I got an appt at the student clinic and boy that was horrible! First the doctor asked me where I was hurting and what I was taking to help it and I told her that I’d been living off or Rolaids, Sprite, Maalox, medicine, and whatever I could think of. And then she asked me if I had been taking any medications or pain relievers and I was like...uh..well I take Aleve every time I get a headache and she was like “Well tell me, do you take those before you go to sleep?” and I told her I didn’t remember and she was like “Well Rachael it’s really important that you remember, do you see where I’m going with this yet?” THEN she took me over to an anatomy chart and told me that I probably have a small ulcer in my esophagus and that we needed to draw blood and I started crying lol. If you know me, you know that I DESPISE needles so the doctor asked if I needed a nurse to do it so I could hold her hand. I felt like I was 8 lol. But she came in and held my hand and talked me through the procedure. Oy it was terrible. Anyway…so I should know the results by Friday and for now I’m taking some crazy Protonix to decrease the acid build up in my stomach. It sounds ridiculous and I feel like such an idiot for not being smart and fixing it sooner. This is one thing we were talking about in counseling and ways I’m dealing with my dad’s death and that I’m kind of following in his footsteps in not taking care of myself when I should just like when I got pneumonia so bad I almost caused some serious damage. He died from an ulcer so for me to not be smart and learn is a pretty stupid thing to do. Ay de mí. I’m really scared for Friday…
Yeah that was the horrible part of my day. After that, I went and got ready for my interview at the Hutch Kids Child Care center. It went really well. It was pretty easy and I have a follow-up tryout day next Tuesday to see if it’s a fit. I basically get to choose my hours and the kids I get to work with which all of them are between 6wk-5 years old so it’s perfect for me. I can’t WAIT! Then after my interview, Brit, Natalie, and I went downtown on the bus and did some shopping at Old Navy. I was a good girl. I only bought some yoga pants, some racer back workout tops, flip flops, and a beach tote. Then we came back and chose our room assignments for next year. It should be interesting because we got the LAST room on 3rd which is right by the entrance and on the opposite side of the view but it should workout just fine once we get used to it. We’ll have a lot more fun there than we did on 2nd anyway.
That’s about it in updates. Things are pretty good except for the obvious pain situation and good and bad for the thing with my dad last week. Some things have been bugging me that I’ve been noticing more about people as I talk to Suzanne but I think it’ll pass… On another note I've been feeling rather cheery and bubbly. As people can tell by my profile I've been addicted to Collide by Howie Day, and You and Me by Lifehouse. They're really pretty songs! Don't ask why but it's better than Dashboard =) Anyway I just ask for prayer for Friday and just the end of this year cuz it’s getting kinda crazy. I'm prettty far behind haha. oh well..SUMMER IS SOO CLOSE!