'And So Passeth A Worthy' Friend

Sep 15, 2008 19:27

Yes, 'tis true.
My computer has passed away, kicked the bucket. She is now resting, she is.

However, she took all my files with her, and making me lose a lot of my data! T_T
I lost tons of pictures, icons, and stories I was working on. I also lost music I wasn't able to back-up and have to re-buy on iTunes. Luckily, it was only one song and three videos. Still, though... I have to rebuy them. :|

So, yeah. I'm pretty sad about this.
I have to go icon-hunting again, and reinstall some things (like photoshop) on my dad's computer (which he has given me now, but that we'll both share).

Man, it's like moving into another apartment or something. XD

Sorry for the lack of updates, but now that I have a dependable posting source from whence to post, I will try and post more often and start making icons as soon as I can.

My computer will be greatly missed (as will my lost files!).

Good day. :|

I hope everyone is well.


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