"Wish I Could Be Part Of That World"

Oct 15, 2007 21:51

We all remember Ariel singing that line, wishing to leave her merworld to join our human world on land. Well. Our human world needs some work.

Today is that Blog Action Day and, even though I didn't register, I still want to be a part of it. So, right now I am going to talk about the environment, this year's topic.

We need to protect our world because, as my shirt from Chaser and WWF says, "We live here"! It is our home. The same way we clean our houses and keep them tidy, is the way we need to clean our oceans, forests, even parks. We all know about global warming, and many of us want to help, but only few take action. Let us join the "few" and increase it so it becomes "many".

Everyone can contribute easily to save our home that is planet Earth. With just recycling something everyday, you're helping! Yes, an action that small can make a difference. Recycling old papers, letters, newspapers, magazines, even old books you don't want to keep or read anymore because you think they suck, can help save many trees out there. We need trees. Save them!

Also, it's important not to litter. It's not that hard to throw things into a trash can or bin. Keep our planet clean! It's our home, and not only ours, but of all living things.

We all need to work together towards the global warming issue. Not just a few, or some. All of us need to work together and participate in saving energy. Mother Earth is in need of our help, and we should help her for giving us food and the things we need to live, like water and oxygen, and ultimately our home.

We need to "Go the Distance" and work together towards "A Whole New World" from "Under the Sea" to "Just Around the Riverbend". It can be accomplished; we can accomplish it!

thoughts, current events

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