Floral Arrangement # 2 and a Cup of Tea

Jul 23, 2007 21:23

Well, I made my second flower arrangement last... Thursday and I took pictures. If anyone wants to see, they're behind the LJ cut.

On another note, haha, I made my first speech for Speech class today. I was supposed to have done it on Friday, but the ever-so-lovely bell rang in the middle of my speech and I had to go again today. :| It was a narrative speech, and I wrote about how my dog came to be part of the family.

I'm also having a bit of trouble understanding Chemistry... or I just don't pay enough attention. I dunno, but I do I got a problem to fix.

So, anyway, yesterday, hehehehe, I went and finally saw Harry Potter: OotP!! :D I loved Luna; she was exactly how I had imagined her in my wonderland of thoughts and imagination. Evanna Lynch was brilliant and adorable. I must read Deathly Hallows... :3

Speaking of books, yesterday I also made a trip to my favorite store, Barnes & Noble. :DDD I wanted to buy a manga I've looking for ever since it came it out this year, and again, no luck; plan B came into action. I was debating on whether to buy The Alchemist, which I have been wanting to read for a while now, or Nobody's Princess, which I've recently found out about via the B&N website. XD I chose Nobody's Princess and... will get other books I want later. XD I really like it so far; it's so kick-butt. It's about Helen of Troy, but not the helpless beauty. No. Helen of Troy, the warrior princess in search of adventure and freedom and control over her own life. Oh yes. :3 XD Girl power! XD

Well, I hope that everyone has a good week. :)

school, movies, picture posts, criticism, floral stuff, books

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