Stars Fade and Shine

May 25, 2007 23:40

I went to see POTC: At World's End (!!) with Nancy, and we had a good time. It was nice that she still trusted me and stuff. :) That, and that trust led to her cutting my circulation when she held on to my arm! XD Haha, but that's okay; that's how much she trusts me (I hope). ^^

The movie was awesome! And I gotta get the soundtrack; the music was amazing, just like the movie. Gosh, how I love Jack Sparrow! XD However, apart from all the laughs and funnies the movie had, there were also some pretty sad parts... T_T I think that if Nancy (sometimes I am able to not notice me parents by me side) wasn't there, I would have cried (for some reason, I don't really cry when someone is watching it with me, even though I want to).

Anywho, it turns out my indecisive mother has settled that we are leaving for some city in Mexico tomorrow... 'cause our neighbors invited us and blah, blah, blah. I'm not really looking forward to it; I kinda wanted to spend the three-weekend at home, relaxing and just, I dunno, sleep and doing stuff. XD I personally don't like to stay overnight at someone's house (unless, I guess, we share this great bond of trust); I feel like I'm intruding or something.

Ugh... Why can't I ever have a nice weekend or day off? Why Georgia, er, California? Why? XD

life, movies, pirates of the caribbean

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