Hello, Hello

Nov 13, 2006 18:44

Hola, hola. Konnichiwa, konnichiwa. Cheerio, cheerio.

Well, school's... okay. Some days are good, some days are bad, some days are whatever. Sometimes it's very boring. Sometimes I don't care what the square root of 25x²y² in parentheses is when multiplied by ½. Yes, already complaining. Actually, more like stating. Sometimes, I have those moments... but I deal with it somehow.

Anyway, I'm reading In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez for a book report I have to write for my English class. And, no. It's not about butterflies. Haha, but you knew that already, right? I have to say that this book is very well written. At least I think so. It's about four sisters in the Dominican Republic under the rule of the dictator/president Trujillo. They were known as "The Butterflies", Las Mariposas (My dog's name! Mariposa. :]), and out of the four sisters, only one lived. It's very interesting. My poor... explanation/summary(?) doesn't do it justice. I'm looking to finishing this one.

Oh! I'm getting closer to playing "A" on the "D" string! :)

Thought of the Moment: Be.

school, criticism, books

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