Jan 28, 2004 23:18
I was driving back to the apartment after clinical today and saw an anti-abortion poster on the side a delivery truck. The truck had a picture of a 1st trimester bloody fetus on both sides of the trailer. Next to the fetus was some common anti-abortion phrase and the URL www.abortionno.org. It was so disgusting I didn't pay attention to the traffic around me for a brief period. I don't really have a strong stance on abortion at this point in my life. I don't think anyone should have to see an ugly dead fetus when trying to enjoy a days drive. I think something like that poster would actually frighten a small child looking at it from the back seat of mommy's mini-van. I have seen many disturbing and grotesque things in college but nothing caught me by surprise like that poster did today. The funny thing is the poster didn't strengthen my views on why abortion is wrong. I am still neutral but mildly nauseated.
I finally unlocked everything in Warioware. The unlockable Pyoro games are insane. I went back and tried to beat some of my records on the story-mode games. That game has more replay value than any other game I own.