Nov 19, 2003 00:16
Well fall quarter is starting to resolve. I am glad for break coming soon. It will be nice to see friends, make some cash at work, and go to Florida with Newsad the day after Christmas.
It seems like everything in life is waiting. Throughout primary and secondary school people wait to get their GED, Diploma, or a job immediately after high school. Then if you go to college you wait and play the game some more until you get a piece of paper that says you get to make more money than other people. What am I supposed to wait for after I get my job? Marriage, retirement, death?
When I return to school every monday the only thing I can think about is coming home to pool night that friday. It is like I get to school and I am focused on it somewhat. But there is an even more intense want and focus to just get through the week so I can have fun on the weekend. Is it bad to rush through every week haphazardly to get to a small amount of release? Does it sap some of the original focus I would have had for school that particular week? Then there are bigger breaks (i.e. Winter, Spring) that I anticipate the very moment I start a new quarter. I am sitting here right now yearning very much to be on Christmas break. Mom would say I am just wishing my life away. I know when winter quarter starts all I will be able to think about is going to pool night every friday and spring break that will then follow. Then when spring quarter starts all I will be able to think about is pool and video games on fridays and waiting for summer to come.
I know I don't work half as hard as most of the other people in my family before me. Did and do they think like this? Do most people in general think like this. I know it is what people do. People work, go to football games etc., and then wait for vacation time. But do they think about release (i.e. vacations/friends) constantly like I do? Working and waiting for small amounts of release from stress and such. Is that what life is? It's not that I hate school and my choice of occupation. They are both rewarding. It is like when Brian said ,and I don't disagree with him, I like repetitive games. I am not sure if I can tolerate life being repetitive.