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Apr 21, 2010 11:01

so i'm leaning more so on not going to oklahoma this weekend
for a million & twelve reasons. they're all pretty decent reasons too.
as much as i'd love to see my favorite band (duh!)
i just don't think i'm willing to put in that much effort & distance
and there is something about a weekend at a hotel in austin
that just sounds more pleasing at the moment
after this intense week at school i'm really going to need a break
and not the kind of break that includes 14+ hours of driving

summer is coming, i can feel it.
wonder where lilith fair is going to be in austin
or when they'll post the actual line up per city

after going back & forth with swuusi, i am officially going
tina asked me to host love feast, and i couldn't say no
that has always been my favorite part and it would be a shame to see it go
just because of one person. gah.
(gosh this will be my 5th YA SWUUSI!)
i hear it'll be the last year a bunch of us go..
paul, jackie for sure. probably celeste & i as well.
so in my mind i'm hoping it's great and memorable
and just as amazing as it has always made me feel.
i'm not going to worry about meeting new people this go around
just want to enjoy those who have impacted my life in a positive way
and embrace a community that is slowly withering away

it's so strange how i met this great group at swuusi
and that group has totally shifted.
but one person who has been there the entire time
and even came to YA the same year i did was Troy.
i really love that guy. he kind of represents SWUUSI for me
just cause he's always been there, and we've always hung out
he's just a really swell kind of guy
& i really enjoyed being able to help him out at YAWR

okay that's enough chatter i gotta study!
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