The kind of things that are spiritual...

Oct 01, 2008 18:51

so, I am being more spiritual these days, or at least starting to understand what this thing is. There are songs that i have realized that are spirtitual in some aspects. and Some activities I do that are of a spiritual experience too. Working on my zine with a lot of concentration and intention felt spiritual because it was something very importnat to me and something i really wanted to accomplish so this act became something really really special to me.

Iron and Wine's song, "Sodom, South Georgia" is this kind of song, as is Regina Spektor's "Samson." i wonder if anyone else ever feels this way about 'ordinary everyday things'? I know many spiritual books say that after having meditating for a while, that serenity of sitting stays with you through out your day, and is harnessed when it comes to doing chores, in that everything soon becomes this spirtual experience. Like usually feeling aggrivated at your pile of laundry could become an experience to breathe deeply and move patiently through out your space in a relaxed way, without strain, or akward stretching or wearing down of energy. so there is a connect between spiritual things and things that are important to the person doing them.

I also wonder if these things that i think are spiritual are things that i have done in other lives and enjoyed and that joy has carried through. Or simply the joys from this life that i have forgotten.

In me getting to know myself spiritually thougths of old times have been coming up. Old times of middle/ high catholic school, the silence i knew in masses, or during retreats was some kind of fake forced silence that i didn't understand. But i think by me rebelling from this, i disabled myself from being a spiritual being at all, which is not very healthy if you think about it, not to mention terribly twisted and masochistical ( but i think it did a lot of these types of things when i was growing up). I have been going to meditations at the Rockford Chapel ( quaker meeting building), 3 days a week @ 9 am. It's fun, and interesting and relaxing and is helping me alot being more patient and calm. But the silence there reminds me of the silence of the church, and for some reason that silence still can feel forced and lacking genuineness. I think in some way i might be afriad of this kind of silence, like what Robert said about Hopi peoples respecting the silence while speaking, treating it as much a part of the conversation as the words part.

And Jake and i Talked a few days ago about Jeremie, and we reached the conclusion that we had a spiritual relationship. Which is cool, way cool. makes me happy. Because at Antioch i was going a little crazy with how connected to him i was feeling. I felt like he knew everything about me even though i wasn't saying it. Omnipotent beings. Jake told me that it is these relationships that show the inter connection we all have to each other. Like a mother to a child kind of relationship.

Speaking of Omni--- i meet a guy whose name was this yesterday, he is a traveling kid and he was into Buddhist teachings and no attachment. Some times i wonder about Buddhism whether people treat it sacred enough, because there are so many cheap reproductions of them in big bookstores, just like a little dictionary of Buddhism, as if someone could really get a good sense of it by reading something like this.

Anyway, it's been awhile since I've written anything, and I thought i would. Peace, love, autonomy!

~ Jenny
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