Jun 19, 2008 01:52
Now, hoping that you're all done running around like cockatrices with their heads cut off, I'm going to toss out a suggestion.
Since the girl won't be revived until tomorrow, I recommend taking account of your friends and loved ones. There may have been more than one victim, or perhaps one of our other less than savory characters has taken advantage of the confusion to commit his or her murder. After all, they have a perfect scapegoat and you're all much to blood thirsty to care who's head rolls.
Gods, it's like being a judge in Archadies all over again...
Now, settle down, look after what's important. Half the bloody population doesn't need to be waving pitchforks and torches down the streets since the killer has probably already hidden himself quite effectively. Should you wish to look into this, I might recommend talking to Iroh and Leon since, believe it or not, they know what they're doing.
And the last thing we need is a bunch of vigilante bounty hunters.
sky pirate,
balthier wants you all to stfu,
brains people use 'em.