AKA dinner

Jun 05, 2005 13:52

Last night was the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated's masquerade ball, dinner dance. I got to go because I won the short story contest this year. Alisha was one of the winners of the scholarship this year. The place it was at (Zandra's Stillwood Inn) was really nice. I think we should've had our prom there instead of at Aqua Turf. It would have been cheaper, and closer, and more personal because no other proms or weddings would have been going on at the same time. For dinner I had chicken. Now, at ordinary restaurants when you order chicken, you get a part of the chicken (i.e. a breast, wing, leg, or thigh) however, Zandra's does things a little differently. For dinner I was served A chicken that was stuffed with widld rice with some roasted potatoes on the side. Yes, A whole chicken. It was a small chicken, but it was a lot for one person's dinner. I felt bad that I had ordered chicken and a whole bird was killed for each person who ordered chicken.

But, the sorors are really nice, they were all dressed up, some wearing ball gowns even. And the 40+ yr olds did a step show for us. It was nice because they were old, but they did a nice routine. There was dancing at the end. And we had ice cream for dessert.

I think that's all about that. l8r guys
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