Title: The Gift
Author: Clea2011
Word Count: 100
Characters: Philip
Rating: 15
Spoilers: No
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to Impossible Pictures, I'm just writing for fun and non-profit.
A/N: For the
primeval_denial Team Fest Challenge - Philip. Written for the
Philip Burton Drabble Tree The Gift
Philip was a selfish man.
He didn't like sharing glory, if he built on others' ideas their credit was somehow lost.
He hated sharing control of the ARC. The sooner Lester was removed the better.
Philip had never been a generous lover, because when you had money and power you didn't need to be, and his interest in others was negligible.
Just once with him taught Helen all she needed to know about what he really wanted, and she provided it.
Now at the end of the day Philip came home to his one true love.
A perfect, identical clone.