Spoilers: There are a LOT of season 5 spoiler shots/comments under the cut.
Now, it has been very cruelly suggested that the lovely Matt might be somewhat deadpan and mono-expressionist (I'm not sure if that's actually a word but it's quite long and sounds as if it might be suitable. So I'm using it). I don't know why anyone would think such a thing, so am setting out to disprove this wicked idea. Matt has LOTS of expressions. We'll start out by looking at some of them.
Here's Matt leaning against a tree, looking pensive. Matt likes trees. They don't have them in the future. He's spotted something off to the side there. It's probably another tree.
There's the looking at evil and rather tall Philip expression. Note the mouth slightly open, and significant lowering of eyebrows. This is an indication of imminent danger.
For example: Oh no! We're being attacked by a nuclear submarine! This calls for a Mouth Very Wide Open expression! Also, ArmPorn! alert!
Abby has a look to see just how much danger they're in. Mouth open AND they've all turned sepia - it must be bad!
Yep! They're in big trouble!
This is an excellent example of the mouth wide open effect, though sadly also a bit blurry. Very effective on monsters from the past.
And this one, again good for scaring monsters. Not deadpan at all. Eat your words! Raaawwwwrrrr!!
Then there's this one, which isn't very deadpan at all. I'm not sure what you'd call it. It's a great shot. I'm sure it would do fabulously well in the caption competition... *g*
Here's Matt doing Curiousity. "Hmm... I wonder if this shade of nail polish suits me?"
"Why? Why did I try eating it? Ewww! Ewww!!"
Then there's Sneaky.
And now he's doing Very Sad Indeed. He's realised Gideon has ginger eyebrows! Let's hope that's not hereditary...
Oh no! It is!
Best Andy Murray impersonation. Awww.
Hmm, so no more accusations of deadpan. Lots of expressions. And if he's feeling particularly distraught there's always the old look down in anguish fallback. This is very effective.
Or the eyebrow-raising attempt at explaining 'Why yes, I *am* from the future and not mad at all' expression:
There's the 'Dealing with Philip who is going to bring about the end of the world' expression. That one can probably be used as 'confused' as well.
The 'oh no, Philip's dead but world's still going to end' look
The 'About to be heroic and self-sacrificing' look. There are subtle differences.
And then the 'hurrah, I've saved the world' look.
He even looked a bit smug
Until it all went horribly wrong and Future Matt turned up. (Technically they're both Future Matt, but this one would be Future Future Matt. Or something. He needs a wash, anyway. They don't have water in the future, except in briefcases and tiny plastic containers. It makes for poor personal hygiene)
Two of them! Matt looked to see if there were any more.
And we're back to the looking down in anguish again. Poor Matt. It's all very sad.
So, let's move on to happy things. Here's Matt with some more trees and plants. I know he's not showing it, but he's squeeing inside, honestly.
Matt liked visiting his dad, who always had exciting gifts to hand out, and liked to wear suits in the garden. As you do.
Matt didn't want to hurt the old boy's feelings, what with him being so ill and all, but there were only so many plant pots he could fit in his office. He tried to look really excited at getting another one. Yay! A plant!
Of course, eventually sons are quite likely to turn into their fathers. Matt wasn't looking forward to the day he started wearing a suit and lost his lovely Irish accent. In fact, the very idea almost made him knit his eyebrows in dismay!
But of course it happens, and soon enough Matt started handing out pot plants himself. And staring at Emily's chest. Because they don't have women in the future.
Ethan/Patrick/whatever was a bit miffed he didn't get a pot plant too. He was going to try wearing a low cut top next time.
Matt wasn't too happy at being told he had to wear a suit to Jenny's wedding. In the future, what he was already wearing would be considered very posh and smart.
He really was turning into his dad. He drew the line at wearing a tie though. His vast collection of spotless white t-shirts (particularly realistic in Victorian times) would have to do.
Matt was very sad when Emily left. He looked down in anguish, as that was really working for him. Also it gave him one last look at her chest.
Okay, let's move on to weapons. Matt made everyone use toy weapons. It was so they didn't hurt the trees, as he was very fond of plants and things. Here he demonstrates no harm coming to the tree, no matter how many times he shoots it.
Matt was really good at shooting things. First he shot Becker, who was fortunately wearing all black so it didn't show when he lost bladder control.
Poor Becker. It was so funny that Matt almost laughed.
But then he realised he could smell something a bit unpleasant...
The new EMDs Matt had bought were very cool and shiny. They had little lights on the top that looked really pretty when you used them.
Unfortunately it was Danny Quinn that he'd just shot. Oops. Note the slightly raised eyebrows. He's very surprised. So's Danny.
Connor watched Matt, hoping to see a reaction. Life is full of disappointments.
It was difficult to tell, because Danny needed a wash. But Matt was pleased to see that if he stood in the shade and made Danny stand in the light, nobody would notice how ginger his eyebrows were. Also, Danny didn't have a nice white t-shirt. And wasn't standing on a box.
Danny soon took the box away.
Matt was very pleased to learn Danny was going to go back through the anomaly and not steal his job after all. And he could have his box back. He tried the smiling thing again. It didn't entirely work.
He tried again... Yay! Almost! Actually, that's rather cute.
Here's Matt vs the T-rex. Strangely, Matt doesn't get eaten.
Is this a dagger I see before me? What? Macbeth was part Irish! Or Scottish or somethingish. He had a dagger anyway. They don't have daggers in the future. That's why Matt doesn't know to hold it by the handle. Hmm... health and safety!
Matt could run around with weapons as well. Who wouldn't, if they saw that implausibly tall man in the background?
Matt had quite a big weapon
Sometimes it shrank.
It was good for shooting things... if only you could work out which direction to look in. There's only one creature...
Here's some more running. No gun this time.
And some more. Running is good.
Because he was from the future, Matt had secret magic powers that let him suddenly look taller than the rest of the team.
Sometimes, if he was feeling kind, he'd let them be almost the same height as him and hope nobody noticed that the others were standing with their legs splayed to make them look just that little bit shorter.
Or perhaps it was easier to stand a long way in front...
Sometimes he could even manage to be much taller than Connor whilst they were walking around. Raised pavements are good too.
Yes, apparently it's the land of the wee folk...
To even things out he did have to spend quite a lot of time lying around though. Shooting trees and things.
Or being beaten up by Ethan.
This next section has a theme...
Can you guess what it might be?
Some people think the morning is the best part of the day. Probably Matt's neighbours...
You could put these all together and make one of those little flicker book things
See, they're all very different
Oooh! Full frontal... well...
Okay, if the camera had been kinder it might've been. And no, I have no idea what that thing is in the foreground in this one.
Yes, the theme is Matt in his flat Why, what did you think it was?
Here he is on his balcony.
And on another rooftop somewhere else.
Or not on a rooftop.
That's it. The end.
Most of the pictures are either publicity shots or were grabbed from the already much-missed Disparue.org before it closed in an attempt to preserve as many as possible.