Having completed a 3rd blackout, here's
primeval_denial bingo card number 4:
The Leviathan in the LidoMagical Horses (Centaurs, Unicorns, Pegasi)
In the LibraryTired
The Holidays are comingAmnesia
Selective AmnesiaEclipses and other Astronomical Events
Eclipses and other Astronomical Events Dominant
Captain CavemanPink (Love it, Loathe it, Embrace it, Reject it)
All things bright and beautifulTorture
PizzaOaths / Promises
Dust to DustDeclarations of Love
Declarations of Love Cowboy AU
The Big BangStream of Consciousness
Connor TempleWild Card - Beautiful
Reach for the StarsTerrible Choices
Terrible ChoicesDeath
The Witching Hour Roleplay
Fill Your Heart with love todayRich and Poor
Great EggspectationsGods / Angels / Demons used to Comedic effect
In the BeginningEarly Morning
Early MorningPregnancy
Pregnancy Curses
Relatively PrimevalHorror
The Bucket ListPride
Animal, Vegetable or Mineral?Ritual Marks and Body Decorations
A Partridge in a Pear Tree...Behind Every Great Man There's a Great Woman
Odysseus Unbound Oooh, that's... actually that's a FAB card! PINK!!!!! \o/ Well we know who'll be starring in that one!