Nov 18, 2005 03:12
Yet another interesting night in the land of Lufbra...
COWGIRL outfits in force me, Fiona, Hayley and Rach go down to watch the boys play hockey and cheer them on - "Faraday, Faraday, Faraday" *bang bang* [with the toy guns]. Am slightly confused as there seems to be two games of football and one of rugby going on on the same pitch and that doesn't make any sense when you're on your seventh Pro Plus =/ Me and Rach play at ten steps and then shoot each other =D Discuss what we're planning to do next year. Have decided that am gonna find out at candidate meeting tomorrow what's happening with the Faraday v. Imago war next year... if Faraday is still gonna be catered for I'm withdrawing my application for committee. I can't stand this food. I've put on over half a stone and over half the hall have stomach bugs. IT'S CRAP. Dunno who the fuck I'm gonna share a house with otherwise as everyone's already sorted into their little groups. Most likely Fiona as she only has one housemate sorted for sure and Rach is most deffo staying in Faraday. Ah well not to worry yet - plenty of time!
WICKED party tonight in Telford [hall next door] common room. It was a joint birthday do between Luke from Block 2 [Faraday] and some random guy from Telford. LOADS of FREE alcohol - wahey. [Now on 9th Pro Plus] Mostly played at pool tournaments and got squirted with water guns and burst a water balloon with my earring and then lost my earring in the puddle and had half the room helping me look for it HA. Contacts driving me mad so taken them out and am blind by this point =D
Keep bumping into Hayley who keeps telling me I fancy her =/ Er NO! She's the one who only last week confessed that she likes me! Remind her of this and am met with "I like my boys too much". I know you do Hayley. Exactly. Only straight girls are ever interested. *rolls eyes* She somehow randomly comes out with a sob story about how she needs to sort stuff out back at home cos her ex-boyfriend is threatening to kill himself and how she thought when she came to uni no one would be the slightest bit interested in her because "look at me Claire - I'm really ugly. I hate myself" =/ I knew there was something like that going on in her head somewhere. Give her a massive hug and try to reassure her otherwise =(
Follow everyone to Mario's on the way home and decide to get chips in pitta and salad instead of chips and cheese because it's 10p cheaper and I can put my own cheese on innit =D NOT worth it I tell you - now feel incredibly fat and STINK of onions.
Me and Fiona go back to Justin downstairs room to watch a DVD. Top Gun is the winner. Fell asleep like 10 times. It's so boring. HA. Quite nice to snuggle up in someone else's duvet and sit with them for a change rather than being on my own though =) Love Justin, he's my favourite block mate =D
Oh FUCK I gotta be up at 8 =/
Elisse coming round tomorrow night to watch a DVD yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy =D =D =D =D =D CAN'T WAIT!!!