Silly Chicken

Jan 05, 2009 22:00

When my friend, Shannon, posts this on Facebook all I can do is laugh and agree with her that this is one of the funniest commercials on TV right now:

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I'm a fan of Peyton Manning. I'm not a Colts fan or a football fan for that matter. Just a plain ole Peyton Manning fan. I'm not sure what the attraction is maybe because he's almost an exact replica of EJ and his personality reminds me of my college days of laughing, hockey, wings, and bar trivia but I find Peyton so charming and funny that if he was in every commercial on TV then I would actually watch them instead of fast forward through. The one where he talks about the phone and himself wearing a mustache? Hilarious! Love him. I want him to be in my kitchen every morning chirping in my ear, cheering me on to make it out the door for the early train. I think Steve would enjoy this too.

This particular ad catches the attention of Preston who eagerly awaits the "Silly Chicken" commercial every Sunday and gets angry when they fail to show it. I think my favorite part is when the Silly Chicken makes a motion with his hands as if to say, "Naturally." after Peyton makes the point of HD TV. The only qualm? Is the guy trying to be Seinfeld? Someone has yet to inform me.

So Steve and I are watching one of those ESPN Best Of shows where they display all their brilliantly made commercials in the years since they've been on air when we come across the Silly Chicken. I go on You Tube to find it so Preston can check out the older commercial but when I type in San Diego Chicken, oh boy Kim! Lots and lots of videos that will totally take the place of Wet and Dreary! This one is grainy but I think you'll be the best mommy in the world when you sit him down for more Silly Chicken fun!

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things that make me laugh alot, the little man

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