I'm sorry but I'm thinking of the right words to say...

Jan 01, 2009 20:59


It's been awhile.

I could make excuses but I'm not going to. I'd rather just get right to it if you don't mind. And don't think this is going to be a resolution of mine to write in this every day from now on because I've been there and done that...but not really. I'll try my damnedest to come in here and entertain and bring you silly videos and hopefully soon my own webcomic (thanks to Steve for buying me manga studio, Manga Studio for Dummies, and a sweet wireless sketch pad to draw on in order to get me started...when I eventually set it all up on Nico). I just need a little time in order to bring you all of these treats and that's where the cliché resolution comes in.

I've never been a fan of resolutions because it's something I have to keep at and when I already have too many compulsions and obsessions, resolutions get left behind quickly. I enjoy the "I'm going to lose weight resolution" which I'm sure I will find plenty of those next week at the gym when parking becomes impossible and some giggling idiot's make-shift-yoga-mat/beach towel is getting in the way of my Downward Dog. Then there's the "I'm going to be nicer/volunteer more" and quite honestly, you're not. You're not going to change. Maybe for like a month, if that, until some moron cuts you off and almost takes off your front bumper and that resolution is out the window.

But you know which resolution I'm a fan of this year? Mine. I've created the "I'm going to be selfish and relax more" resolution. I've grown tired of catering to those who upset me and I'm sick of spreading my time too thin between work, socializing, work, obligations, and work. I feel my Blockbuster Online queue has been neglected. My leather couches are unused. My WiiFit is still shiny from the last time I Fantastic-ed it...a month ago. This year is going to be the year of the Kate. 2009 will be for my loved ones and treasured friends, for abundant movie watching, for finishing every written piece I've started and lost track of through the years because I'm making "me" time. And that's my resolution. "Me" time which is essentially for you because I really don't know how to be selfish. Everything I do in the "me" time period will result in something for you: more BLOGs, more scrapbooking (for Kim which is about time since the kid's three now!), more wing nights, more treadmill usage (the correct kind, not the I've-hung-all-my-clothes-this-week-on-it usage), and maybe I'll finally post all my digital pictures on Kodak like I've promised everyone in the pictures I would do (and then send to them which I didn't). So as my resolution betters me in that I'll be less stressed and definitely creatively happy, it benefits you too. Pretty cool huh?

I literally started the year on the right foot by running a 5k at the Republic Airport today (and like always, started the race on the right foot). It's interesting to say I've run on an airplane runway regardless that it's a private airport with a terminal that looks like a hallway in Oldfield Middle School. It's still neat. And I got to run with the twins again, this time Robyn joining us and Allan and Steve cheering us on. Here I am, six hours later, still on the adrenaline rush of running in 20 degree weather and feeling great!...until tomorrow when my non-existent hammies scream at me when ever I attempt to use them. But I did get a head start on my resolution by rearranging Nico to fit more software while sitting on the leather couches and slouching! That's being somewhat relaxed, right?

So you and me...we're off to a good start.

forrest gump, goals i ignore

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