Jun 28, 2005 19:16
My face hurts like you wouldn't believe. Actually, hit yourself repeatedly with a two by four, and then put pepper spray in your open wounds and you might believe what my face feels like right about now.
I called the dermatologist I went to three weeks ago to have a calm discussion about my medication, but no one called me back. I'm convinced the idiot at the pharmacy screwed up the tubes and put the morning stickers on the night gel and vice versa. Because honestly, why would the night gel tell me to stay out of the sun? Well if I'm using it at night genius, I don't think the sun will be a problem. I remember the doctor telling me the night gel would be tough on my face so I was to use it only twice a week for awhile. When I put it on though, it's quite soothing. The morning gel, however, is Satan in a tube. One pea size of this little fucker has my entire face in an uproar. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have a face anymore. It's gone. What's hurting is the left over flesh that the morning gel has not eaten, which isn't much.
The first week, it caused a very red burn. Thank God for summer because it just looked like I was a moron that forgot to put SPF on (which we all know would never happen). This burn also hurt like hell by the way. The second week, the skin began to get scaly and dry. Of course, now "hurt like hell" had escalated into "hurts like an m-fer". Every time I put on aloe or moisturizer it burns so bad I start to whine like I do when I puke. And now week three has begun. My face is peeling like...I can't even come up with an analogy because I have never seen shit like this happen! I have dandruff of the face. For fun today at work, I rubbed my face to see how much dead skin would land on my black pants. I figured the more I did this, the faster the flakes would go away. Wrong. No matter how many times I did this, it just got worse. I had no idea I had this much skin to begin with. I am very saddened to see it fall off. We never even got well acquainted.
And everyone at work is raving about my new skin. "Katie, your face looks great!" "Wow! It's really working!" What's working!?! I didn't get a chemical peel; I got zit cream on crack! What are you seeing because when I look in the mirror, the bumps are still there...they're just being covered by red itchy flaky skin! I just want to jump up and down and point angrily at them Lewis Black style whenever they talk like this to me. I would shake my head at them too but that would cause it to snow in June.
Would someone please look at me and just tell me the truth for once? Can someone please tell me it looks like someone stuck a Roman Candle in my face? Anyone?
you're not invited to my pity party