I guess this guy got a lot of candy.
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulclayton_mattix goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Cloud Strife.
boombox182 gives you 18 dark green orange-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.
briguy17 gives you 6 red-orange cinnamon-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
christine0407 gives you 10 white watermelon-flavoured wafers.
i_shine_for_y0u gives you 5 red strawberry-flavoured gumdrops.
kevinhrit tricks you! You get a wet rag.
kirschbr tricks you! You get a clothespin.
lockestep tricks you! You get a rotten egg.
mucciuk gives you 6 pink lime-flavoured nuggets.
vicr28 gives you 2 red-orange chocolate-flavoured wafers.
was_it_rodge tricks you! You lose 7 pieces of candy!clayton_mattix ends up with 40 pieces of candy, a wet rag, a clothespin, and a rotten egg.Another fun meme brought to you by