(no subject)

Jul 04, 2005 19:29

Ahh well i had to wake up early today like i said on my last entry, but it was a total waste!
It took us 1 hour and 15 minutes to get down to this park for the BBQ and there were only 200 parking spots available, but once we were there they were all full, and then people kept coming in, and the guy closed the entrance to it saying no more cars can go through all full, and that made some people mad and the cops started to arrive and stuff and there was no way to get in. too bad.

So that was a waste, then we go somewhere to look at houses (types) from an open house place, and then we went to a car dealer ship to look at hummers cuz my grandpa wants one which i think is ridiculous because he's old and it just doesnt suit him cuz he's scary behind the wheel, imagine him behind a really big steering wheel, he'd crash into everything.

So we drive around the whole morning and my ass was getting numb and hurtful, so it was a waste and it sucked.  Then we just had a BBQ at home.  And then i worked out and had to change my hamster cages desperately because they reaked, which was around the same time that tom calls me to go down to TJ's for bbq and beer.  I told him i had to change the hamsters cages, so he just left and i stayed home, which i dont want to do, i really really want to go out, but since he's sleeping over there i cant go there cuz i got work the next day.

So text message lindsey asking her if she wants to do something somewhere cuz i'm really bored right now, and somewhat hyper.  I didnt really hear back from her yet, i dont even know if she's alone cuz she had her boyfriend over, and she told me that guys suck, so i guess that means somebody made her mad again, and maybe she's willing to go out drinking cuz of it?  lol i dont know.

I want to go mini golf right now with people, or do something somewhere and not just sit around at home watching tv all day or , on the computer like i am now.

I dont even mind playing basketball right now, i just dont have a hoop anymore cuz we put it away because i have no room to play at my house, and i dont want to play by myself at one of the parks because there's other people using the basketball courts, and i feel weird if i go alone, i mean i know lindsey isnt the sporty type at all, she rather just eat ice cream or something, i dont i want to play sports! ride bikes! DO SOMETHING~! hahaha., maybe i'll find something to do, but what?
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