Mar 01, 2005 10:48
It makes me sad to hear my dad talk to me once in a while, or always, about me becoming a cop in chile. He was talking to my uncle from chile this morning and asked him if he can get me in the business (he's the cheif officer or whatever) and he said yeah he'd get me in it if i went over there and lived there. But that sucks, cuz my dad wants what my uncle has, two daughters that are cops. I dont understand why, but he thinks that they make more money in that kind of job then any other job i want to get. So dumb, it makes me mad and sad to think he thinks like that. And so he's always trying to get me to be like my cousins that i've never met, wanting a daughter that's a cop, he's always wanted that, and now that his brother has that, he wishes me and/or my sister did the same thing. And it sucks cuz he puts me down when i say, no i dont wanna do that i wanna be this, he complains and bitches about how i'm dumb for wanting to be a vet assistant or a radiologist. So dumb.
It makes me feel like shit too cuz it feels like i make him unhappy when i put him down like that, it drives me crazy cuz it feels like i'm not good enough to be his daughter, or i dont make him proud some how.