Mar 30, 2008 22:00
I'm in such a frustrated mood. I am unable to figure out my Harry Potter quest. It's really getting to me. I don't know why, it's not like it is a life or death situation, but I hate not being able to figure it out.
I do not want Danielle to be here all the time. She and Kalen are on a "break" which means she doesn't go to Deleware every weekend. The weekends are my times with my friends and to relax. Especially because me, Kyle, and Dan really can't stand her anyway. But she always needs to be around people and it's obnoxious because I don't want to entertain her all of the time. We went to a party at Heather's new boy's house on friday and Danielle got really drunk and was just annoying. She kept yelling at Heather for liking me better than she likes me. And she couldn't find any cute boys and the one cute boy wouldn't talk to her, so she kept bitching about it. I can't deal with it all the time.
And I'm still annoyed with Keith. We talked it out and everything, but it's still in the back of my mind that he freaks out so easily. And I really can't deal with that all of the time. And it just scares me. I like him, but I starting to become wary of him. It sucks really bad, but it's what I am dealing with at the moment.
But all in all, I think I really just need to relax at the moment. I totally need to breathe. It's hard, but I am working on it.
Saturday night was such a good night. I sat around all day cause Heather came back way later than she was supposed to, but then Kyle eventually came over and so did Dan. Then Heather came back with some of the boys and had to entertain them. So me, Dan and Kyle and I went to Wendy's for dinner. But after that it got much better cause I refused to let Heather to go back to the boy's house and she stayed with us. Then I called Keith and invited him out with us just to show that I wanted things to be OK. So Dan drove us all to the movies and we saw 21 which was pretty much amazing. Everyone should really go see it. But anyway, I just had a lot of fun with everyone. And Kyle brought his iPod and we played songs really loud and sung them at the top of our lungs. It was amazing. It was just such a good night and something that I really needed.
Dan's job is over soon so we are going to take road trips on the weekends. Can you say day trip to Boston, much? I can't wait, it will be such a good time and I haven't been to Boston in so long. And I'm still going to Disney with Heather after school ends, and I am really looking forward to it.
So all in all, for right now, I just need to breathe.
Allow me to exaggerate a memory or two,
where summers lasted longer than,
longer than we do,
when nothing really mattered
except for me to be with you.
But in time we all forgot
and we all grew.
Your melody sounds as sweet
as the first time it was sung,
with a little bit more character for show.
And by the time your father's heard
of all the wrong you've done,
I'm putting out the lantern,
find your own way back home.
I'd forgotten how to sing
before I sung this song.
I'll write it all across this wall
before my job is done.
And I'll even have the courtesy
of admitting I was wrong
as the final words before I'm dead and gone.
You've never been so divine
in accepting your defeat.
And I've never been so scared
to be alone.
If love is not enough
to put my enemies to sleep,
then I'm putting out the lantern,
find your own way back home.