I can't wait for Learning to Sing to come out! ~*November 16th*~ The only thing I'm worried if that Clay's gonna lose fans. Did you all read the Major LTS Spoiler? For anyone who missed it:
"I was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live in February 2004.
After the show, the cast always hosts a party at a bar. Now, generally, I avoid bars. I don’t drink. I hate smoke. I can’t stand to have to shout at my friends over a bunch of noise. I’m afraid of crowds. The only reason people go to bars is to get drunk and have sex. To me, bars are what hell is like. But I decided if I was ever going to be in a bar, the night I got to be on Saturday Night Live would be the time to go.
While I was there, a friend dared me to have a cocktail. She had ordered a Cosmopolitan, and when it came I asked her what it was.
“Delicious,” she told me, “try it.”
I refused. Alcohol doesn’t interest me much.
“I bet you can’t drink it,” she chided.
Now, I’m old enough to know when I’m being manipulated. But it had been a huge night for me. Appearing on the show had been a longtime dream of mine, and it had gone exceptionally well.
“Go on,” she urged, pushing the drink in my face.
So I did. I drank the whole thing in one gulp.
All my friends at the party were stunned. They had never seen me drink before, not even a sip of beer. People cheered and applauded. I was feeling pretty proud of myself. And then I felt my face get really, really hot.
Now, not having ever been drunk, I didn’t really know what drunk felt like. I did know that I was growing dizzy and that my face felt like it was on fire. I decided that I had better find a seat. It was at that moment that SNL creator Lorne Michaels walked up and introduced himself.
“Hello,” he said. “I’m Lorne.”
I started trembling. I wondered if he could smell alcohol on my breath. My mind was racing.
“Would you like to sit doen?” he asked.
Why was he asking me to sit down? Did he think I needed to sit down? Did he think I was drunk? Was I drunk?
“The show was terrific,” he said.
I don’t remember what I said.
“Well, Clay, a pleasure to meet you.”
I don’t remember what I said then, either.
Lorne walked away, and I again heard my mother’s voice in my head. What were you thinking, Clayton? Who are you trying to impress? When success turns a person’s head, he is facing failure.
It was true, of course. Even through the fog of a Cosmopolitan, I knew Mama was right.
It’s no surprise to me that it’s my mother’s voice that I hear in my head. Other people call it a conscience. I call it mom.
There were a number of times when I might’ve given in to something if it hadn’t been for her voice telling me to stand firm.
“A clean conscience is a soft pillow,” she’d say. “As long as you live right, you won’t have to worry about what people see.”
I never smoked or drank, and I know that’s because I could hear her saying that those habits were nasty and weak - and because if I were caught, I knew she would look down on me, and that was deterrent enough.
I always wanted to make my mama happy.
I think it’s because when we left Daddy, she was terrified and alone. I sensed that she needed something to keep her going. I decided that something would be me.
From the time I was a boy, Mama would talk to me about the sort of man I was planning to become. “What kind of person do you aspire to be? What do you think matters?” she would ask.
If I answered selfishly, she’d correct me. Because of her, I want to make sure I sing only things that I think are appropriate."
Here's my analysis of the spoiler:
"There’s a couple ways you can look at this spoiler, one way being in black and white. Clay Aiken is a drunk. He lied. He said he didn’t believe in drinking, yet he got drunk. And what is his reason? Peer Pressure. How wrong is that excuse? How can we trust him? He is nowhere near as innocent as we thought he was. Has he ever smoked? Is he still a virgin? What more has he lied about? These are all questions running through our minds. He said he didn’t want to be anything like his biological father, but whether he likes it or not, he still carries Vernon’s genes. And Even though he supposedly only drank that one time, he could get hooked. My health teachers always said stuff like "It only takes once", and that goes for everything. Smoking, Drinking, having Sex… It only takes once. What if Clay Aiken is hooked on alcohol? The point is, Clay didn’t follow the standards he set for himself, and I’m not quite sure if he’s a good role model because of it
Another way to look at it is Good for Clay! Sure, he got drunk, but by getting drunk, he discovered that it wasn’t for him. He didn’t like it, and by the way it’s written, he doesn’t seem willing to ever try it again. He made a mistake. It’s not just the peer pressure… it’s everything. He’s a star. He’s way over worked, and at the same time, expected to be perfect. He’s obviously embarrassed by what he did, and he realizes that it was wrong. He’s going to be getting enough crap from his mother when this book is released, he doesn’t need to get crap from his fans, too. We have no right to be reprimanding him, when it’s really none of our business. So, Clay Aiken got drunk…good for him. The last time I checked, getting drunk when you’re 25 is legal. Plus, he doesn’t fit under the whole ‘drunk’ category. Having one drink does not qualify you as being a drunk. I doubt he’ll ever make the same mistake again. He’s not perfect and people need to realize this.
Which one of those do you fit under? At this point, I’m basically just confused. I have mixed feelings. I still love Clay no matter what, but I have to admit, I needed to watch the primetime interview again to remind myself of why I like him. He did lie. There’s no escaping that. But I’m more worried than mad. The fact that he carries Vernon’s genes is a little too much for me. The only thing that I am truly ticked off at is the whole "I was feeling proud of myself" part. Why would he be proud? I realize he isn’t perfect, and all, but honestly, I expected more from him. For the first time, I was actually quite disappointed in Clay. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a Claymate, and I’m still behind Clay 100%. I will still be buying his Christmas Album and his book on the first day they come out, and I will still be begging my parents for tickets next year. I guess I’m just in shock, and I’m finding myself wondering if he’s really the man I think he is. Let me just say, I can't wait to see what else we find out in this book. I’m just hoping that he doesn’t lose any fans."
Well, I wrote that a few days ago. I think I've calmed down a lot since then, and I've reread the spoiler several times. I don't think it's as bad as it's made out to be. The thing is, the fact that Clay admitted to us that he did get drunk was very brave. Although, I'm still worried, I'm not as disappointed as I was earlier. Ya know, a lot of people think he's changing for the worse. I agree he's changing, but idk if that's a bad thing. To all the claymates out there having doubts, look at these, then, think about it:
Okay. Yea. I think that's enough. XD Isn't he just so cute!? If ya want more pix, just go here:
http://s7.invisionfree.com/CA_Forums/ <3 Jess