
Feb 25, 2010 18:36

We have a large container in the bottom of our fridge. It is full of future-bread and I have now obtained the knowledge of how to properly transform it from future-bread into bread, and how to make more future-bread to replace the future-bread that has been turned into bread.

This means that I can have fresh bread within an hour and a half of whenever I want it. This pleases me.

In other news, crispengray has made me a Blue Lantern ring. Well, he made me two, because the dye was a lot stronger than he expected, but they are both awesome and they light up and glow and it's really really cool. I need to get a new battery for them though, because the one I had vanished. Watch batteries are very sneaky that way.

My parents have assigned me the duty of locating an obedience class for Cheech, because as cute as he is, he has very bad habits. Like barking forever, and jumping up on people, and mouthing on people, and not coming when he's called, and generally taking advantage of the fact that he's too cute to kill. I've found a few things, including one that's specifically for terriers that looks promising. I'm also going to start taking him to the park regularly, so he gets more exercise and tires himself out more. Last, Dana waxed his little mustache and gave him a mohawk. Unfortunately, no pictures were taken before she gave him a bath this morning. Now he smells all nice and clean.

The chickens continue to lay eggs and be noisy. Rosemary seems to have picked up some ninja skills in addition to her escape-artist skills, because Dad and I spent twenty minutes looking for her this afternoon only to find her in the coop taking a nap.

Blue Beetle no longer has its own on-going. They've discontinued his back-up in Booster Gold, which means that the next time his awesome supporting cast shows up, they're probably going to be injured and/or dying. Hopefully, the natural deposit of awesome that DC El Paso seems to be built on will protect them. And hopefully, the book will come back. Especially because the person writing Teen Titans has a laughably bad interpretation of Jaime.

blue beetle, comics

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