Pretty dress day, whee!

May 27, 2009 21:06

I wore a pretty dress today! It was exciting, and I was cute. And it warmed up enough that I could take the sweater off and just wear the sundress.

We read each others' rough draft essays today in Gothic Lit. My group wasn't helpful, they wanted me to tie my essay into more of what the class read or do an overview of comics as a whole being tied into American gothic literature. No dammit, it's JUST RUNAWAYS! I am tying Runaways into the American gothic tradition! The guy in my group wrote about how Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" wasn't actually particularly gothic, so I was irritated -- he can write about something NOT being gothic but I can't write about something being gothic? Just because we read "Young Goodman Brown" for the class and we didn't read Runaways? I got an "okay" from the professor to write this freaking essay, stop telling me I can't write it, classmates!

So I didn't really get much help out of the whole thing. I'll probably take it to the professor and get some one-on-one help from her instead. One of the girls suggested that I narrow my focus down to one character or one event instead of the first story (18 issues), but dammit, it IS American gothic! It's got caves and (potential) incest and the unveiling of secrets and kids who just can't get out of the goddamned house and violations of time and space and bodies and roles and all sorts of shit! IT'S GOTHIC, DAMMIT.

So that was less than pleasing. Then I came back to the apartment and failed to do homework, and then I left early so I could do my reading in the sun before watching Blood Feast. Which was really, really bad. MST3K bad. Me and several other people had a running commentary going throughout the whole thing, and not one person told us to "shut up, I'm trying to hear!" I don't how I can write a thousand-word essay on this movie without going into slasher movies. Or possibly the appearance of at least two Playboy Bunnies acting as victims. Ooh wait, the hysterical boyfriend! Dibs!

rantings, runaways, comics

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