I am a lazy updater

Jun 28, 2008 19:54

So, when did I last post? *checks*

Ooh, okay.

So, I hung around the house for a week and occasionally hung out with people. I wrapped up that week by going to eastern Washington with my dad to see my Aunt Jill (Dad's younger sister) be instated as the first female head of Washington state in the Elks Club, and the second female state head ever (I think). That was neat, and it was good seeing Aunt Jill and Uncle Mark. Aunt Jill introduced Dad to a bunch of people and I tagged along. I got to chatting with this one woman, who followed up my answer to "where do you go to college?" with "do you smoke pot?"

Yeah. I went O.o

She did give me her nephew's myspace and the title of the book he'd just gotten published, though. But that was still a weird response.

The next Monday I started taking my children's lit class at UW. It's been interesting so far -- no midterms, no finals, nothing. Just "read the assigned bits of the text book each night, think about the questions, and be prepared to potentially write a 30-minute in-class essay on at least one of the question. We read a bunch of fairy tales, and now we're reading Treasure Island.

Wednesday, I got four comic books and a haircut. Not at the same place. JOSS WHEDON'S RUN ON RUNAWAYS IS FINALLY OVER! WOOOOOOOOO! As much as I love the guy, I am so glad he's not writing it any more. It should not take 15 months to churn out six issues. I also got the Secret Invasion Young Avengers/Runaways crossover, the last issue of Marvel Presents: Young Avengers, and the Marvel Fairy Tales issue with the Young Avengers.
I was disappointed that we didn't get to see the final round between Nico and Minoru Obaasama. I had been looking forward to that, so it was disappointing just get "it's over now, look, Nico's gotten a power-up". And the whole thing with Victor and Lillie just...didn't work for me. They knew each other for, what, maybe a day? Bleh. Romeo-and-Juliet stupid.

Young Avengers/Runaways crossover made me go "yaaaaaaay, Teddy and Xavin interaction!" I assume that they're not going to get killinated in the sewers. Poor Klara -- get escorted 100 years into your future just in time for an alien invasion.

I liked Kate's issue of Marvel Presents Young Avengers. There were Eli-Kate-Tommy triangle shenanigans, and the Young Avenger gossip chain, and Vision referred to as Cassie's boyfriend. :D

The Marvel Fairy Tales was also cute. The Iron Lad Door Mouse was adorkable.

Thursday, the cat got a haircut. He sulked, but he's less matted and likely a lot more comfortable now. He's also still wearing his neck-kercheif that they put on him. I'm surprised.

Yesterday I hung out with Gavin and Michelle and Jeff and Gavin's niece and nephew. We watched Star Wars: Episode 1 and played a really, really awesome board game: Betrayal at House on the Hill. I hit a madman with a spear, and Gavin and his nephew spent a good handful of turns pummeling a zombie that would just not. Fall. Down. The game is awesome.

Today Mom and Dad and I went out and saw WALL-E, which was adorable and squee-worthy. My inner linguist noted with amusement that WALL-E and EVE both had labial sounds in their names, but neither of them had lips. I still need to see Iron Man and that new Indiana Jones movie.

joss-y goodness, runaways, young avengers, links, comics

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