Title: Lucky Day
Rating: G
Word Count: 637
Summary: A (late like a late thing) birthday fic for
fullmetal_cute! Starring Megan Gwynn of the New X-Men and Tommy Shepherd of the Young Avengers.
Disclaimers: The characters within do not belong to me. I'm just playing with them and will return them back to their rightful owners undamaged.
Megan Gwynn, known to her friends and teammates as Pixie, flopped on her bed with a huff. There were some days that even your lucky underwear couldn’t help. First she had slept through her alarm, then she’d had to rush through breakfast, after which she had to go change into something that didn’t have oatmeal all down the front. After that, she had to spend about ten minutes sharpening her pencil because the lead kept breaking off in chunks and she’d barely finished scribbling when they’d had to rush out to do a team-up with those Young Avengers kids from New York, and she had totally embarrassed herself by falling flat on her face in front of them.
And to top it all off, she’d lost one of her earrings, and these were her favorite pair.
She looked at the lone earring in her hand and scowled at it, willing it to summon its mate. It stubbornly ignored her wishes on the matter.
She sat up right and cross-legged, cupping the earring in both hands. Maybe she could summon its mate! Okay so teleporting hadn’t worked very well in the past, but she’d been under a lot of pressure and teleporting a lot of people. This was just a little earring. She could totally do that!
She closed her eyes and concentrated hard, focusing on exactly what the earring looked and felt like. She closed her hand around the one she had and held the other open, to catch the one she was retrieving.
She remembered that one of the boys in the Young Avengers was a spell caster and had a chant to focus his spells. Maybe that would help and keep her from doing it wrong.
“I want to find the mate to my earring.” She said aloud. It didn’t seem to be of any help. She tried it again. “I want to find the mate to my earring.” There was a little stirring that time. “I want to find the mate to my earring, I want to find the mate to my earring, I want to find the mate-”
A shadow fell across her eyes and something much larger than her earring fell into her hand. Her eyes snapped open and looked into rather startled blue ones. A boy with white hair stood in front of her, his closed hand resting on her open one. He blinked at her a couple of times, jerking his hand back. She blinked back. He looked sort of familiar…
“Uhh.” He began, glancing around her room and looking more and more confused. “I’m here. What were your other two wishes?”
Oh, that helped her place him. “Oh. Speed, right?”
“Only when I’m wearing the shiny suit and goggles.” He retorted. “What the hell am I doing here and how did I get here?”
“I don’t know!” Megan frowned. “I was just trying to get my earring back.”
“This earring?” he asked, dangling one between forefinger and thumb. She checked to make sure that she still had the original one on her hand. “Yes!”
He jerked it out of reach before she could grab it. “Nuh-uh Pixie-nibbles or whatever your name is. I think I deserve a little something for pain and suffering here.”
“There was no pain and suffering, Speedy-mouth!” she retorted, grabbing for her earring. “Give it back!”
“Nope.” He said, switching it to his other hand. “Finders-keepers, you know.”
“Give it back!” she repeated, hopping off the bed and fluttering her wings to grab it. He didn’t seem to have been expecting that. The two of them wound up on the floor, with her sitting on top. “Ha!” she grabbed her earring and settled herself on his chest. He pouted as she put both earrings back in her ears.
It was kind of adorable.
Happy belated birthday, Kat! *huggles*