Cassie Lang/the Vision. List 2. Prompt #23

Nov 04, 2007 00:14

Title: Percussive Maintenance
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: the Vision, Chase Stein
Prompt: 23. “I hope you hear this song, and it pisses you off. I take that back I hope you're doin' fine.” - ‘Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong’, Spin Doctors
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Mentions of sex
Summary: Chase gives the Vision a little tough love.
Disclaimers: They don’t belong to me. They belong to Marvel and various other people. I’ll put them back when I’m done playing.
List of Prompts (with the links) to be found here

“Dude. If you sucked any more at this, you’d collapse into a black hole.”

The Vision gave Chase a withering look. Chase, as per usual, simply refused to wither.

“You do. Every time Cassie finds a new ‘bot-boy, you mope around hoping she’ll notice and then come visit me when she doesn’t. Nico’s better at picking up chicks than you; and she doesn’t even like girls that way.”

The Vision’s withering look threatened to transform into that of a kicked puppy. Chase reminded himself that it was bad form to beat futuristic suits of armor with wrenches until they stopped moping.

Besides, the last time he had tried that, the Vision had just phased through it and pretended he wasn’t smirking when Chase fell over.

“Seriously, either grow a pair and say ‘hey, I like you, I have multiple speeds and I make breakfast, let’s bang’, or start boning other chicks until she gets curious about the sex machine on her team. Because if you keep this up, I will use Victor to fry your circuits and tie you to Cassie’s bed for Christmas. Am I making myself clear?”

“[Yes Chase Stein.]”

“Good! Now go forth and bone! Or vibrate, or whatever it is that you crazy kids do. I don’t need those visuals.”

40_verses, runaways fic, ya fic, runaways, ficcary, young avengers, comics

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