Title: Rosaline
Fandom: Young Avengers
Characters: Cassie, Kang, Vision, OC
Prompt: 10. “I've crept into your temple, I have slept upon your pew. I've dreamed of the divinity inside and out of you.” -- ‘Angels would Fall’, Melissa Etheridge
Rating: PG?
Warnings/Spoilers: Set futuriffically
Summary: Kang thinks a little girl might be a good heir.
Disclaimers: They don’t belong to me. They belong to Marvel and various other people. I’ll put them back when I’m done playing.
List of Prompts (with the links) to be found
here Cassie Lang was asleep on the edge of her bed with one arm extended and draped over the bassinette holding her baby daughter. Rosaline Amelia Lang was asleep on her back, her chubby little hands curled into loose fists near her head.
Mother and daughter had had a very rough day and their rest was undisturbed by a swirling glow on the other side of the door.
Just as Kang wanted it.
He crept into the room as silently as he could manage and stood by the bed, looking down at Cassie’s sleeping face. He reached down and brushed her hair back, a small smile stealing across his features as she rolled her head to follow his hand.
He jerked his hand back, the smile disappearing as if it had never been. He turned then to the bassinette where Rosaline slept. He might rename her something else. What would a good name for an heir be?
And very abruptly, there was a wall. Rosaline woke with a cry and Cassie with a shout.
“Vision.” Kang repeated, glaring hatefully into the face of the machine that had replaced him in Cassie’s heart.
“[I don’t care what it would do to the time stream.]” the synthezoid hissed. “[If you come near my family again, I will kill you.]”