Runaways #24 summary

Feb 28, 2007 14:10

No syntax today, so I hopped a bus downtown after lunch. The comic shop has a kitty! His name is Gus and he let me pet him. He also tried to kiss me a couple of times (you know, the way cats get all up in your face and sniff at your mouth). It was nice. Checking over at scans_daily, I totally should have grabbed a copy of X-Factor as well. Damn.

So, anyway:

The ladies and the unconscious Victor find the "magical drive-thru" to where ever the Gibborim and Chase are. They leave Molly with Vic Earth-side while Nico, Karolina, and Xavin go to grab Chase. Chase doesn't want to be grabbed, and when Karolina talks Old Lace out of keeping them back, he uses the Staff of One to knock Nico unconscious (with a spell, he didn't wallop her over the head with it).

Vic's still speaking 404, so Molly asks for help from the voice she's been hearing. It answers the question about God and his sandwich and they pile through the portal.

The Gibborim say "no thanks" to Chase's soul, because the sacrifice has to be unwilling. They want Nico and our lovely Chase-cakes responds with a 'fuck that'. The Gibborim knock Chase on his ass and grab Nico, but it's Molly and Victor to the rescue with a Fastball Special!

For those of you who are just tuning in, the Fastball Special was developed in the X-Men comics. You take a super-strong mutant and have them fling their partner at the bad guy. The flinging partner is usually Wolverine, but in this case, Molly chucks Vic at the Gibborim threatening to eat Nico.

Also, Vic has Molly's scarf wrapped around his head. Hee!

Nico and Vic land on a roof and the Gibborim fade from existance. No souls for you! Nico wakes up and smooches Vic and I guess they're officially going out now.

There's a cute scene between Molly and Xavin. Xavin is officially a Runaway now. S/he's also Molly's "big sister" to go with her big brother Chase.

Speaking of... *wibble* Chase and Karolina are talking. I think Chase might be on the road to healing now that the Gibborim are gone and he can't bring back Gert.

Back to Nico and Victor. Chase is staying on the team, but if he nearly gets them all killed again? "We rip his damn heart out". Kind of nifty, since Nico said the same thing to Chase about Vic, but also...yeah.

Home again, home again, jiggety-jig. Oh fuck, it's Iron Man and his S.H.E.I.L.D. minions. Xavin kind of forgot to make them invisible when s/he was flying them around. Crap. The Runaways are in no condition to fight, but it doesn't look like they're going to come quietly, either.

We end on a nice team-shot - Chase and Molly in the foreground, Xavin and Karolina with fingers-intertwined in the midground with Old Lace behind them, and Vic and Nico in the background, the former sparking and the latter holding the Staff of One.

I really fucking hate Civil War. Drop dead, Iron Man.

Then, the last few pages. The Gibborim are in some other place. Just endless, luminous whiteness. I had a nightmare about that once when I was younger, actually. But the Gibborum are wigging out a bit, and there's this voice asking them if they know Pat Benatar. I've actually got a couple Pat Benatar songs on my iTunes from Groove Class, but again, off-topic. There's no escape, the voice tells them. The owner of the voice says that they were hoping to earn their way out by helping Molly, but no dice.

"I'm a lot like you. You guys didn't want to destroy the world because you're monsters, you just wanted to prove to your old man that he should be proud of you, right?"

The Gibborim are slightly more wigged and ask if the speaker is part of the Pride.



"Hell is for children.". I googled it, and yep, there is a Pat Benatar song with that title.

It's a really gorgeous picture, actually. He's slightly blurry with the light and wearing all white clothes (except his medium-gray tie) and I know he betrayed the Runaways and would have let his parents destroy the world, but I just want to give him a hug.

Last issue for Brian K. Vaughan and Adrian Alphonia. But an excellent ending to their arc. Actually, it feels a bit full-circle with the ending of season one -- they took down the Gibborim and now the stupid adult heroes show up to put them in foster care/train them. "Oh yeah, you saved the world, that's nice, now be good kids and do as you're told".

But still...


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