May 08, 2007 18:35
SCATTERGORIES... It's harder than it looks! Use the 1st letter of your
first name to answer each of the following. If you can't think of
anything, skip it. You can't use your name for the boy/girl name
Your Name: Chris C. (oooh 2 C's)
Famous Music artist/group: Crossfade with song Cold (let's see how long I can do to doubles)
3 letter word: Cat (hard to get a double C with one word.. but a second word... Car)
Street name: Crestwood Circle
Color: Crimson
Gifts/present: Ceremonial fertility Charm ;)~
Vehicle: Car... oh sorry Chevy Camaro (I am just slaughtering the C's) ;)~
Show: Criminal Minds... but that doesn't have 2 C's... hmmm Charles In Charge (there we go)
Country: Costa Rica (well there is another C in Rica... but best I could do)
Boy Name: Craig (damn single names... keeping my doubles down)
Girl Name: Christina
Alcoholic drink: Cool Carlito.... I like Kinky Sex better though ;)~
Occupation: Crowd Control Managment ;)~
Flower: Colorful Clemetis
Celebrity: Cindy Crawford... difficult trying to come up with double C's
Something found in a kitchen: Countertop Can Opener
Reason for Being Late: Clusters of Cars (there's just too many of those damn things on the road)
Something Scary: Clay ;)~... or Carabou... I'm not sure which is more scary ;)~.... OK I've got it... Clay riding a Carabou ;)~ oh yeah
A Feeling: Calm and Collected
Animal: again Carabou... or Crocodiles... or Clams but what has 2 C's??? ah yes a Chinese Crested (type of dog)
Something you shout: Crap! (it's hard to think of more than a single word that is shouted out... how many people are shouting whole sentences?)
thanx for the laughs pixie... I needed it