Jan 10, 2006 23:57
Well, look who happend to finially manage some time in his busy scheldual to write down a little bit about whats going on in my life. And i guess i have been kida busy, i mean i had teen court yesterday that took up a whole 40 minutes but still it was too much for me. fuck teen court and all of the bullshit that it brings to anyone that it envolves. i would just like to say that teen court is the biggest waste of time i have ever spent, but im sure that record will be boken this saturday at my Y.E.L.P. class or "whatever the fuck she is." but yea i have to attend a 4 hour long drug class about from 8 in the morning to 12. and let me tell i cant wait. and i also i have to write a 500 word essay on the effects of marijauna. and not the good ones either. i figure im am just going to repeat the words. pots is bad. probably 200 times. that should break 500. thats 600 words actually. just thought i should jot that down in case it matters. i dont know
in other news i got my money back from the trip to france i was going to go on the past to summers ago. i got to keep about 300 dollars from it. so that was pretty exciting. but unfortunitly i forgot to mention the last and worst part of me gettting arrested. my (3) 8 week drug class thats 10 dolaars a session which comes to a grand total of......480$ but what can you do i have to attend at that New Journey place, ran by that anggi bitch. but what can you. well thats all that seems to be going in my life right now. stay classy san dieago!