Oct 03, 2005 18:20
Around 5:00 Thursday I figured I was screwed. 1 test and a quiz I had barely studied for after I had just previously bomed another test, I was sleepy and sincerely looked forward to 11:30 on Saturday. That's when I was suppose to get off work.
I had my Bible study that night, but I didn't realize that I just needed to relax a little. My friend was really tired. We had both been through a week of little 'battles'.
Somewhere during that time, I forgot about the "inward man is being renewed day by day" (2 Corinthians 4:16) and got up Friday for a little bit of prayer.
When it was all over, I had one of the better Friday-Saturdays I've had in a long time. I think that it was on the wings of prayer from someone that I not only made it, I thrived on the busy schedule because I got myself out of the way (which is ironically what I am learning in golf-who knew golf was spiritual?..okay I did)
I also had a friend come into town that ended up going with me to the game. From there, I just wanted to make sure he was good to go so he could hang out with his other friends without much trouble....just 'cause I love him. On top of that, I actually got to talk to him for quite a while, so I was sky high. Anyone can go through the past journal entries and see how difficult it is to find genuine people that I truly connect with on a deeper level. It's probably some sort of spiritual gift of mine to recognize these kinds of people so I hope that God will use that someday or will continue to do so. (In the meantime I guess I don't open up as much to people I don't sense that I connect with..but I am vulnerable and not fake by any means...and that's another subject..I hate fakeness)
I think it's amazing how God uses "the body". This weekend, 1 guy was praying for me, another guy was encouraging me (he didn't know it though) and I had been praying for both of them a lot lately.
Sunday came and went but I don't remember being of much use as I should have just watched movies all day. Except I tried to be productive. By the time Monday rolled around, I could somehow sense that certain changes COULD be happening. In the immediate future, I will have to work much more on my Spanish. Beyond that, I could be living overseas at this time next year. I don't have the slightest clue as to how things will play out, but I am certainly going to talk to my parents about Italy this weekend, even though they really don't have a final say-so. I need to gage their response now and also look into my financial options so I can begin making preparations. Also, it wouldn't be out of the ballpark that my parents will move yet again. So far it's been a challenge that hasn't played out as expected. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm a nephew in a year either. So, we could all be scattered all over the world in a year :)
I had one person making dinner for me tonight and another needing a ride..but I turned my phone off because it's time to take care of some business. Ironically my neighbor rang my door bell and invited me over for dinner.. :) *GRIN*