(no subject)

Apr 01, 2010 00:03


It's not been an entirely uneventful couple of days, but it has been a lazy couple of days where I haven't accomplished an awful lot. The lethargy of unemployment has most definitely set in, and I sleep in most days, read for a while, get up and do a chore or two, and then watch some TV. I throw resumes at whatever jobs pop up that sound like I might qualify, and then I go on about my day.

I went for the No Worker Left Behind intake meeting yesterday. It was mostly a waste of time -- it could have been accomplished in a much more sane way, but they needed to do placement testing on anyone who hadn't gotten a college degree, which was everybody but me. I ran out and got some gas and some lube for my bike instead. Afterwards, Dan and I went over to the high school and took the spring sports photos for the newspaper, and I was reminded once again of why I hated high school. In a way, I kind of regret not being more involved....but in another way, I'm perfectly happy that I distanced myself from it as much as possible and attempted to find some balance in my life away from it.

Last night, though, Dan developed an earache that necessitated me running into town at midnight to get him some meds. Sleeeepiness. It's kind of eerie to walk through a department store at midnight, because there's just nobody there. Either way, he managed to make it through school today, and then I took him to the doctor. We really made out, too -- it only cost us fifty bucks. I was really expecting a more devastating bill.

The really big news is that I managed to get registered for classes. I e-mailed the admissions advisor I've been trying to contact for a month or so, and was surprised when she e-mailed me right back. My credits are good for however long, says she. I don't have do to any liberal arts at all. I may be able to complete or do most of a finance minor. I may even be able to get out of a couple of classes, including a business law class I took a very long time ago and an intro to stats class that I was really worried about -- if they didn't want to give me credit for my social science stats class that I took in grad school, I was worried that they'd make me take all the pre-reqs for stats. That included pre-calc, which, honestly, is sadistic, especially for someone as untalented at advanced math as I am. I did, however, enjoy stats, odd as that may be.

I did not manage to get ahold of Financial Aid. I called and left them a message, but their answering machine said that they'd be closed Thursday and Friday for Easter. Unsurprising, given that it's a Catholic university, but....note, today is WEDNESDAY. This leaves me as unimpressed with that department as I was the first time around. I may have to resort to the cookie bribery again, which usually got me decent results from them. Take 'em a plate of cookies, come back with a financial aid award which isn't absolutely profane. I am fully expecting to have to scrounge up some independent loans anyway, but I hate being jacked around by financial aid. It's the worst part of school, I swear.

I am kinda looking forward to going back to school... I'm just really..emotionally tired right now. Looking for a job has really taken it out of me. I realize a lot of my problems have been where I'm living, but I'm rather stuck at the moment -- I can't go elsewhere, and unemployment in this area is obscene. It's really the wrong place for what I've got, as it's a very blue collar area. It's been really disheartening to not get calls back for anything, not anything at all. And it just makes me sad.

So, back to school to get something I can use in a rural area. It'll hold the bills at bay for another couple of years, and let me take care of Dan and not completely drain my parents dry. And we'll see what comes of it, I guess. I wish I had a better solution to this gnawing depression, but here I stand, and at least I'm still throwing myself at the wall, even if it's not really denting it.

Anyway, I also dug my way through the first four of the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs the last couple of days. They've really been like mind candy, and have passed far too fast; I've really enjoyed them. I'm not traditionally a fan of urban fantasy, especially the "werewolves and vampires and faeries are out and known" sorta stuff, but these are really fun. The books went obscenely fast, but are probably going to appeal to anybody who's got a thing for Anita Blake. Mercy Thompson is like Anita Blake but more....real? Maybe? They aren't as far out as Anita Blake, anyway. And now that I've finished those four, I've moved onto a book named Soulless, same basic sort of premise but set in Victorian England and similarly a lot of fun. I'm realizing that I truly do like strong female leads now and again.

Tomorrow I've gotta do a major houseclean and hopefully get the seat put back on my bike. Maybe we can even go for a bike ride, since the temperatures are supposed to be in the mid seventies. Here's hoping I've got the energy.

Anyhoo, end babble. Later ya'll.
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