Apr 30, 2007 06:08
*arms in the air*
Just so you know, making Wii Miis of people you know is endlessly entertaining. Especially when they're not present.
After two weeks of swollen, One week of searing unbearable pain, 6 days of anti-biotics...
I hate doctors.
I'm still sitting around watching music videos. And they still...all suck.
April 29, 2007
The current celestial configuration gives you the extra confidence needed to approach someone very special. Whether this happens at a party, at a meeting of some kind, or by sheer accident, you will know that this is one opportunity that you dare not pass by. All you need is some sparkling conversation and a really good reason to make sure that you see them again. Get thinking!
THE DAY AFTER I complain about my love scope assuming I'm in a relationship it switches gears to this. This is much more accurate and slightly promising. But what are the odds in anyones life that you'd bump into someone cute and wanna strike up a conversation with them? Uhhhh HIGH.
It's still there.
I'm still here.
I've decided that June 18th is not only the day of Kristin's sisters birth, OR the day William Beckett falls in love with me and asks me to elope with him after the tour...but it is also the day that I punch Pete Wentz in the face. Then everyone will stand around all quiet, shocked, and then one person will just start clapping slowly, then everyone will start clapping. That'll be your queue, Steph, to run over to him and cradle him in your arms and nurse him back to irritating health. That is unless you're already sucking face with Gabe.
My imagination has gone completely berzerk.
And my dreams just keep getting weirder and weirder. Like the things I dream about are actually happening.
The dream I posted about recently - pregnant, parents died, in pain, all alone, waiting around, steph takes me to hospital - Well...
Monday night the tonsil pain gets so bad that I decide I can't take it anymore and that something must be done. So, I call my mom and she does her typical, "I DONT KNOW, I JUST DONT KNOW...IM GONNA HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT, I DONT KNOW" I tell her to go ahead and think about it and hang up on her superpissed.
Well, the pain was so excrutiating that I couldn't swallow and kept choking and inhaling my own saliva, therefore I couldn't sleep because I would wake up with spit up my nose and in my trachea. So, I was up all night in the worst pain of my life, alone, parents absent...and I talk to Steph and tell her I'm thinking about going to the ER the next day. And she tells me she'll go with me.
At 10:30 am I go to campus and I'm waiting for them in the commons just kind of wandering around moaning and getting weird looks and I see the parallels to the pregnancy dream and also this other dream I had about being split up the middle.
It really crazed me out.
Then while I was recouperating by sleeping on the couch at my parents house, I had a dream with Arnold Schwarzenegger in it [completely random]. Then I woke up and 30 minutes later he was on an episode of Pimp My Ride. My mom said, "Well he could have been on tv while you were sleeping" But it was on MTV the whole damn time and I have no idea why he'd be on there twice in two hours.
Just strange. Just strange.
Dude, if my dreams are coming true...STEPH. hahahahaha!